Huntsville Alabama Divorce Blog

Assets in a Divorce in Alabama

Join me in a typical consultation for divorce, “What kind of retirement accounts are there?” Puzzled look. I continue probing, “Does your spouse have a 401k?” Heads nodding, a tentative, “Yes, I think so”. “How about a pension plan or IRA?” Uncertainty and, “I’m not sure.” Needless to say, this…

How Meditation Can Help You With Litigation

I’ve got many friends who are in the personal development world and it never fails, they will send me a message when I am in mediation. Mediation, with lawyers, and a mediator. A long and usually successful way to resolve a case. I will send back, “I’ve been in mediation…

Am I Too Old to Get Divorced?

I don’t know what it is, maybe the pandemic causing everyone to go stir crazy? Or maybe we are just living longer and we may as well be happy. Or maybe the older I am, the older the clients are that I attract. I’m not sure, but lately, I see…

Heartbreaking Divorce: Thoughts of a Divorce Lawyer

I’ve been practicing law a long time. Today in mediation, the mediator said I had tried, “thousands of cases” and as the day ran on he said, “millions of cases (it can sure feel like it!). Mediators are there to guide the negotiations and not to give legal advice and…

The Big City Lawyer

Do I consider myself a big city lawyer? Not in the least! I can remember when I was over in Colbert County in municipal court and the opposing counsel claimed my client had gone and hired a “Big City Lawyer”. I laughed then and still laugh because my roots are…

How to Behave on Social Media During Divorce

If you are among the millions of Americans who live their lives on social media and are going through a divorce, it is time to take a step back and think before posting. You should be aware that what you post or say on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, Reddit, YouTube…

10 Tips for a Happier Life

There are many things you can practice to live a happier life- here are just a few suggestions of you are struggling to find some inner peace. Happiness has been a study for me and one that has led me to innumerable self help books, endless google searches, and countless…

Why an Uncontested is the Way to Go!

What does uncontested divorce mean? An uncontested divorce is a divorce decree that neither party is fighting. When both parties in a married couple agree to divorce, filing for an uncontested divorce can save time and money through streamlined court procedures. The couple must: Not have any financial disputes (such…

How to Get an Uncontested Divorce in Alabama

The first step is to determine if your spouse is going to be willing to agree to an uncontested divorce. Ideally you have gone over the proposed terms before you come in to see your lawyer and no issues are being contested in the divorce. This will make your chances…

Can Child Support Payments or Visitation Schedule be Changed?

Got questions about child support and visitation? In this short video, I’m sharing the three most common modifiable things in a divorce and the one thing that isn’t modifiable in the state of Alabama. The court ordered visitation schedule in Alabama Every 1st, 3rd, and 5th weekends from 6:00 pm…